FAQs - Go Green Day
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we are asking you to wear anything green and donate to LauraLynn. It’s that simple!
Friday, 14th March but you can choose any day that suits you best!
Sign up right here, on our registration form - https://www.lauralynn.ie/go-green-day. It'll only take a minute.
By taking part, you’re supporting children with life-limiting conditions and their families. LauraLynn support children and their families across Ireland and thanks to people like you we can help make the most of short and precious lives.
You can find all the Ways to Donate here.
If you've signed up via our registration form, we'll post you a pack which includes:
- Poster
- Stickers
- Balloons
- Cardboard coin box
AND, in your registration email we have included a link to download some extra goodies for your special day!
If you need anything else, please email Liz – community@lauralynn.ie
You will receive your thank you letter and certificate in the post a few weeks after your event 😊 The reason for that is, any funds raised on iDonate will transfer automatically to LauraLynn one month in arrears so you don’t have to do anything! If you send funds to LauraLynn via bank, website, cheque… you will receive you thank you letter and cert within 1 to 2 weeks.