FAQs - 100K in May for your Company

Could your team walk/jog/run 100 Kilometres each in May and help raise funds for children with life-limiting conditions and their families? It’s a tough challenge, but it’ll help LauraLynn provide vital care while keeping you healthy too!  

By joining the LauraLynn '100K in May' Challenge, you’ll be making an incredible difference to the lives of the children and families in our care. 

The challenge is for each team member to complete a distance of 100 kilometres throughout the month of May while fundraising for LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice.

Not at all! The goal is to do the 100 kilometres over the month of May. It is up to you how you complete it. Most people will be doing three or four km a day. You can do what best suits your lifestyle. 

You can use the personal tracker, just write down how many kilometres you do at the end of each day. You can also manually add the teams distance on the iDonate page, find out how to do that here.

As part of this challenge, you will be asked to set up your own iDonate Fundraising Page for LauraLynn. You can post your distances weekly or after every run/walk depending on preference. These pages are linked to LauraLynn and we’ll be able to see your progress.

You should receive your fundraising pack in the post by the start of the challenge. We are sending the packs out in large batches towards the end of April.

An exclusive 100K in May LauraLynn T-Shirt.