Other Ways to Give
These are just a few of the other ways you can help us bring compassionate palliative care to help seriously ill children get the most out of life.
Make your donations grow at no extra cost to you.
Give a gift in memory of someone special to you.
Celebrate your big day and help families share more precious moments together.
Leave a gift that will last a lifetime.
Have you ever considered making an exceptional gift to LauraLynn?
Alternatively, you can donate or send us your funds raised in any of the following ways:
1. Post a cheque, bank draft or postal order
Made payable to: LauraLynn (CSH Trust)
Fundraising Dept,
LauraLynn Ireland’s Children’s Hospice,
Leopardstown Road,
Dublin 18
2. Donate By Bank Transfer
You can make a donation by lodging directly to our bank account:
- Allied Irish Bank
- Account No: 03220623 / SORT CODE: 93-35-70
- IBAN: IE86 AIBK 9335 7003 2206 23
- Swift/Bic No: AIBKIE2D
- N.B. Reference your name and email us at fundraising@lauralynn.ie to let us know the details of your bank transfer donation – this is so we track your donation and thank you for your kindness.
To pay in money you have raised from an event you organised or took part in, you can use any of the above methods or you can do so online using your credit/debit card.
Remember to tell us what event you raised your funds for so we can acknowledge your efforts.
If you are a taxpayer and make a personal donation €250 or more in any tax year to LauraLynn, it is eligible for a tax refund from Revenue at no cost to you. This means we can claim up to 45% back from the Revenue at no extra cost to you. All we need is a CHY3 form returned to us completed along with your donation and we look after the rest!
If you decide to transfer/lodge to our account, please make sure to let us know you have made the donation by emailing fundraising@lauralynn.ie, as we would like to acknowledge and thank you for your kind donation. Please let us know what event you held to raise funds for us.