At LauraLynn we are committed to providing expert care and knowledge to our children, service users, their families, our colleagues, our healthcare peers and industry partners.
'Love of Learning' is one of our character strengths, attributed to our value of Excellence. Our approach to learning and development is tailored towards enabling everyone in our community to be their personal and professional best. We do this by challenging mindsets, encouraging meaningful discussion, opening new avenues of possibility and promoting excellence using creative, innovative strategies to challenge, support and stretch learner abilities.
We drive this approach through the provision of excellent teaching and learning resources in a research centred, collaborative environment and by the adoption of innovative practices, and collaboration nationally and internationally. By encouraging continuous professional development, we ensure our care evolves. All children and families deserve competent, compassionate care, assisted by the sharing of knowledge and validated research.
Since 2011 we have been involved in the development of the specialty of Children’s Palliative Care, having partnered with like-minded organisations in organising the Children’s Palliative Care Conferences 2013, 2015 and 2017.
We also organise regular professional education programmes to develop healthcare professionals in the field of Children’s Palliative Care and are affiliated with several Irish universities through the provision of clinical placements.
We have forged collaborative links with the CHI, NMPDU, Q Community, AIIHPC, IAPC, and HSE Quality and Patient Safety Directorate in our work and education practices.