Information Access Request

Freedom Of Information

The Children’s Sunshine Home, CSH Childcare Services and The Children’s Sunshine Home Trust operating as LauraLynn Ireland’s Children’s Hospice (the Service) is committed to meeting its legal obligations under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts of 1997, 2003 and 2014, openness, transparency, and accountability in the way its services are managed and delivered. As a matter of routine, the Service aims to provide maximum access to information subject only to considerations of individual privacy and confidentiality.

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 is to enable individuals to obtain access, to the greatest extent possible consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy, to information in the possession of public bodies, other bodies in receipt of funding from the State and certain other bodies and to enable persons to have personal information relating to them (Freedom of Information Act, 2014).

Under the Freedom of information Act 2014 each individual has the right:

  • To access information relating to themselves personally held by the service
  • To have information relating to themselves amended where incomplete, incorrect or misleading
  • To obtain reasons for decisions taken by the service that affects them

Under the FOI Act 2014 there are records that would be exempt or excluded, which include:

  • Information obtained in confidence
  • Commercially sensitive information
  • Personal information requested by third parties

How to make an FOI request

A person who wishes to exercise the right of access to the records concerned shall make a request in writing using the Freedom of Information Request Form (see below) which shall be addressed to the Data Protection Officer.

Where the services’ form has not been used the request must:

  • Specify that the request is made under the FOI Act 2014
  • Set out sufficient particulars to enable the record to be identified
  • Specify the preferred form of access
  • State whether the request is for personal or non-personal information
  • Supply proof of identity if requesting personal information

Accessing personal information without making a Freedom of Information request 

You can make a request for your personal information without using the Freedom of Information Act 2014.Instead, you can make a request under data protection legislation (e.g., the GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018, etc.). This is called a ‘Data Subject Access Request (DSAR).

General Data Protection and Access Requests 

The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/69 (GDPR) was introduced on 25 May 2018. It was transposed into Irish law by the enactment of the Data Protection Act 2018. This European and national legislation regulates the processing of personal data of a living person (known as a ‘data subject’). Essentially, this legislation is designed to strengthen the protection of the rights and freedoms of data subjects. 

LauraLynn is fully committed to the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals whose personal data it holds. For further information on how LauraLynn collects, stores and uses personal information relating to data subjects, please see ourprivacy statement

Data Subject Access Requests 

To make a Data Subject Access request please submit your request in writing by post or email using the Data Subject Access Request Form (DSAR) below, and forward it to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) 

Your email/letter should:  

  • state that you are making a request under the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 
  • provide as much information as possible about the records you require 
  • specify how you would like to receive the records – that is, would you like to receive them by email or by post 



Phone: +353 1 2893151

Postal Address: Data Protection Officer, LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice, Leopardstown Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18, D18XO63