LauraLynn Open Memorial Tree & Garden

Published: 26 Sep 2021

A new Memorial Tree & Garden opens in honour of the 10th anniversary of the opening of the hospice.

10th anniversary of the opening of the hospice

A new Memorial Tree and Garden at LauraLynn was officially opened and unveiled today at an event to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the hospice.

The tree was made in partnership with DCU school of Engineering and was beautifully sculpted from bronze and steel by a local sculpture, Emma Jane Rushworth.

The tree is adorned with beautiful steel leaves and honours all of the children who have passed away in LauraLynn. Two beautifully sculpted doves sit on one of the tree’s branches, paying special tribute to Laura and Lynn McKenna.

Jane McKenna, Founder of LauraLynn & mum to Laura and Lynn says;

‘’Myself and Brendan were so honoured to visit the Memorial Tree recently and we were so touched by how specially it honours our girls. It’s a beautiful space for bereaved parents to come and remember their precious little one. Heartfelt thanks to all involved in creating this peaceful and reflective space’’.

LauraLynn Memorial Tree