Celebrating National Volunteer Week

Published: 15 May 2023

LauraLynn is celebrating National Volunteer Week which runs from May 15th to 21st.

LauraLynn Volunteers

We want to take this time and opportunity to thank our wonderful volunteers for all their hard work and dedication.

We took some time to get to know some of our volunteers and ask them some questions based on their experiences in LauraLynn. 

One volunteer said "I chose to volunteer at LauraLynn due to a desire to fill my retirement with meaningful activities and to maintain purpose in my life." 

While another volunteer gave advice to anybody looking to enquire about volunteering "The one piece of advice I would give to someone considering volunteering at LauraLynn would be definitely go for it! It’s such a worth while thing to do."

Commenting on Volunteer Week, Emma McLoughlin, Volunteer Coordinator said: "With Volunteer’s week starting on May 15th I hope you will join me in thanking our amazing, selfless, committed and fun-loving volunteers!! They are the backbone of LauraLynn, we could not deliver the care and support that we do without them. They are all AMAZING!’