Children’s Hospice Week Success for LauraLynn

Published: 04 Jun 2021

LauraLynn celebrated Children’s Hospice Week by raising awareness and funds for our hospice services.

Children's Hospice Week

Last week, LauraLynn celebrated Children’s Hospice Week by raising awareness and funds for our hospice services. Children’s Hospice Week is the only week in the year dedicated to raising awareness for children’s hospice care in Ireland.

The theme of the campaign this year was ‘This is…’ and the campaign gave LauraLynn an opportunity to shine a light on the lived experiences of families across the country and the day to day challenges they face caring for a child with a life-limiting condition throughout a pandemic.

LauraLynn conducted a survey with families in order to collate data on how they were feeling and the over-arching message that came through was that families are feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Over €65,000 was raised throughout the campaign last week and LauraLynn want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported the campaign. A big thank you to all of our celebrity ambassadors and supporters who used their platforms to help us raise awareness.

A special thanks to all the families who shared their stories and experiences across the media last week to help us raise awareness and a big thank you to Ireland AM who promoted the campaign and all their amazing viewers who raised €40,000 for LauraLynn.

LauraLynn CEO, Kerry McLaverty says: "All of us at LauraLynn just want to say a huge thank you to all our supporters and donors for helping us make Children’s Hospice Week such a success. It’s the only week in the year dedicated to children’s hospice and palliative care in Ireland and it’s an opportunity for LauraLynn to share what we do and why we do it. A special thanks to all the families who shared their experiences and stories with us by taking part in our survey but also to all of those who shared their story in the media last week. I also want to thank all of the staff and volunteers who made Children’s Hospice Week so special for our families even when we cannot come together to celebrate as we would usually do."