LauraLynn Appreciation Awards

Published: 19 Sep 2022

LauraLynn held a Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Awards Ceremony to celebrate long service.

Staff & Volunteer Appreciation Awards

On Wednesday, September 14th 2022 LauraLynn hosted a Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Award Ceremony to honour staff and volunteers who have been with the service for a period of five years or more.   

Staff and volunteers were awarded for five, ten, fifteen and twenty years of service. Ninety-one staff and volunteers received awards during this special event. 

LauraLynn Ambassador, Ray D’Arcy, joined us to host the event and hand out the awards. We were also joined by Chairperson, Sandra O’Malley and LauraLynn CEO, Kerry McLaverty.   

The award recipients were thanked for their dedication, commitment, and loyalty to LauraLynn and reminded that they were making every day better for those in LauraLynn’s community of care. 

Speaking at the awards, LauraLynn CEO, Kerry McLaverty said: "I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff and volunteers for their commitment to LauraLynn, each one of you embody and live our core values of Compassion, Collaboration and Excellence, making LauraLynn a very special place. I feel so honoured to work with such a dedicated group of staff and volunteers, together we make every day better for those in our care. Congratulations to all of our staff and volunteers receiving awards this evening."

LauraLynn Ambassador Ray D’Arcy reminded the crowd that: "A place is all about its people and this place is a very special place." Ray added that he is always moved when he speaks to LauraLynn families and hears the huge difference LauraLynn makes in their life: "I am always moved by the children and families, they always tell me about the amazing staff and volunteers who have such a positive impact on their lives."

LauraLynn’s Chairperson, Sandra O’Malley, added: "Every single person contributes either directly or indirectly to making every day better for those in our care and that is a very special thing and something that you should feel proud of whether you are new to LauraLynn or are receiving an award this evening."

LauraLynn would like to say a huge thanks to Ray D’Arcy for giving up his time to host this event for us. A special thank you to our Catering Team, Barry and Karen, for providing delicious food for all in attendance. Thank you to all our staff and volunteers who joined us to celebrate.