LauraLynn is proud to achieve ‘Triple Lock’ standard for 2023.

Published: 08 Mar 2023

The Triple Lock certification has been awarded to LauraLynn by the Charities Institute of Ireland.  

CII Triple Lock Standard

The certification recognises LauraLynn for their commitment to good governance, ethical fundraising and transparent financial reporting. 

LauraLynn take the commitment and trust of donors and funders extremely seriously and honour it by providing clear and transparent information about how funds are raised, accounted for and spent.  

The Triple Lock standard is a voluntary best practice standard. Compliance with the standard rests on three factors: 

1. Formal adoption of the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public, as devised by the Charities Regulator. 


2. Preparation of a trustees’ annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charity SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice under FRS102). 

3. Adoption of the Charities Governance Code as devised by the Charities Regulator, with full compliance and intent to maintain full compliance. 

LauraLynn is committed to keeping our compliance within the above factors and more information can be seen at Our Finances | LauraLynn