LauraLynn has launched Children’s Hospice Week 2024 shedding light on the work that Ireland’s only Children’s Hospice does.
“Caring for the Child…Supporting the Family” is the theme for this year’s Children’s Hospice Week and the charity is shining a light on the impact caring for a seriously ill child can have on the whole family.
As part of the week LauraLynn carried out a survey in April 2024 which highlights the round-the-clock care provided by families of children with palliative care needs. Of those surveyed, 70% of respondents said that they or their partner are required to care through the night for their child with over 32% stating that they are caring 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
Supporting the whole family is at the heart of LauraLynn’s holistic approach and of those surveyed, over 85% of respondents said they themselves receive support, such as counselling from LauraLynn with over 48% of the second parent/guardian also receiving supports. Of those surveyed over 57% said that their other children are linked with LauraLynn for services and supports such as Music and Play Therapy.
Caring for a child with palliative care needs can have a huge impact on relationships within a family and extended family and friends. Over 68% of respondents said that their relationship with their partner was affected as a result of caring for their child around the clock with 38% of those saying their relationship was affected a great deal. 70% of those surveyed told LauraLynn that their relationship with their other children has been affected. 84% reported that their relationships with colleagues, friends and neighbours have been affected with 84% also telling LauraLynn that their relationship with wider family has been impacted.
Over 78% of parents surveyed said that they worry that they don’t have the time they would like to have with their other children. Siblings of children with palliative care needs are often limited from doing everyday childhood activities including play dates or attending extra circular activities. Siblings can become careers; their lives are often dominated by the complex needs of their brother or sister.
LauraLynn gives these siblings a space to live in the moment, spend precious time together as a family and take part in vital supports such as play therapy, music therapy and bereavement support. LauraLynn through family camps give family members including siblings the opportunity to develop a support network with others who are on a similar journey.
Commenting at the launch of Children’s Hospice Week LauraLynn Dad Wayne said; “As things get harder, you realise you can’t do it on your own. You do need this help and that’s why LauraLynn is very important, not just for our family but for every other family that’s linked with the service, it’s very, very important.”
LauraLynn are supporting more children and families than ever before with 251 children and their families availing of care and supports and a further 349 bereaved families connected to LauraLynn’s Community of Care. With recent growth and developments through LauraLynn in the Community, LauraLynn are caring for children across every corner of the country with families from all 26 counties linked with the service. Since opening in 2011, LauraLynn has supported 795 children and their families.
LauraLynn CEO, Kerry McLaverty, says; “During Children Hospice Week we felt it was so important to highlight the need for LauraLynn services. From the survey results it is clear families caring for children with palliative care needs are heavily reliant on the care and supports that LauraLynn offer. Looking after a child with palliative care needs is one of the most challenging things a family can face. Beyond the physical challenges and medical needs of their child, the family and extended family often are dealing with the emotional impact that the child’s condition can have on them. LauraLynn’s approach is all-inclusive, ensuring that while we care for the child, we are also there to fully support all family members on this path’’.
This Children’s Hospice Week, LauraLynn is asking the public to help families spend precious time together by donating. To donate please go to www.lauralynn.ie/donate