LauraLynn welcomes HIQA Report

Published: 14 Feb 2019

LauraLynn welcomes the overall findings of a recently conducted inspection of our disability services – also known as The Children’s Sunshine Home (CSH) – by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA).


The announced inspection took place on 16th July 2018 in the context of an application by CSH for re-registration of its residential and respite service under the 2013 National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities and Health Act 2007.

In its report, HIQA reported that “residents were relaxed and happy being supported by the staff team” who “understood the residents’ communication methods well and could respond to requests in an age appropriate manner”. It also noted that “there was an adequate number of staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience to meet the assessed needs of the residents at all times”.

Feedback from families “outlined that they were happy with areas such as food and mealtimes, visitors, activities, choice and control and staffing. Relatives commented positively and expressed high satisfaction at the quality of the care and support offered to their son or daughter”. “Family members spoken to reported that staff were kind and respectful and had developed therapeutic relationships with residents”.

The HIQA report also states that “residents’ health care needs were well assessed, planned and supported by a professional team. Staff had a very good understanding of residents’ health care needs and risks and how to promote best possible health for each individual resident” adding “for residents who required additional supports, inspectors found there to be behaviour plans in place”.

We also welcome the findings by HIQA that “inspectors found that while some minor improvements were required, residents were in receipt of a good quality and safe service” and that “there were effective leadership, governance and management arrangements in place”, as well as education and training available to staff.

Of the 19 Regulations inspected during the visit, the HIQA report notes high levels of compliance – with 18 Regulations being fully or substantially compliant. One Regulation was found to be not compliant in respect of access to allied health care professionals.

The Children’s Sunshine Home has now provided follow-up information to HIQA on the measures it is taking to address the minor improvements required to ensure full compliance in the area identified.

The report is publicly available on the HIQA website here.