LauraLynn's New Strategic Plan

Published: 01 Feb 2024

Advancing our Vision: Extending our Community of Care, 2024-2028.


As the title suggests, the LauraLynn 2024- 2028 strategic plan aims to progress the work of our last strategic plan “Building a Community of Care” (2019-2023); while also updating our vision to a society where, “children and their families have the care and support they need at all stages of their journey.”  

Our Strategy 2024 - 2028 outlines our strategic ambitions and goals in detail, along with the anticipated impact of each action and the enablers that will be critical to our success. To ensure we stay on track, we have developed a detailed implementation plan and are committed to sharing our progress throughout the strategy’s duration.  

We extend heartfelt thank you to the many individuals and organisations who took the time to contribute to our strategic planning process. At LauraLynn, we look forward with excitement, renewed passion and determination to achieving our strategic objectives and embracing the challenges ahead as we strive to Advance our Vision and Extend our Community of Care.